
Annual Report

Notice Of A Director's (Including A Director Who Is A Substantial Shareholder) Interest And Change In Interest

BackApr 29, 2010
Part I
1. Date of notice to issuer 29/04/2010
2. Name of Director Faizal bin Ahmad Stalin
3. Notice Type Notice of a Director's (including a director who is a substantial shareholder) Interest and Change in Interest.
Part II
1. Date of change of Interest 28/04/2010
2. Name of Registered Holder Faizal bin Ahmad Stalin
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others

Change in interest have occurred as a result of an increase in issued share capital.
4. Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder
No. of Shares held before the change 76,909,013
As a percentage of issued share capital 13.033 %
No. of Shares which are subject of this notice 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 %
Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received 0
No. of Shares held after the change 76,909,013
As a percentage of issued share capital 12.973 %
Part III - Not Required
Part IV
1. Holdings of Director, including direct and deemed interest :
  Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 76,909,013 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 13.033 % 0 %
No. of shares held after the change 76,909,013 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 12.973 % 0 %
Footnotes This announcement has been prepared by the Company and its contents have been reviewed by the Company's sponsor, Stamford Corporate Services Pte Ltd (the "Sponsor"), for compliance with the relevant rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "Exchange"). The Sponsor has not independently verified the contents of this announcement.

This announcement has not been examined or approved by the Exchange and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.

The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr. Yap Lian Seng.
Telephone number: 6389 3000 Email: